At Downham C of E Primary School, we are proud to offer an engaging and balanced curriculum which offers all pupils opportunities to shine.
We are passionate about enhancing both the knowledge and skills of our pupils and providing a curriculum with purpose.
Our curriculum is intended to:
•Develop an understanding of our diverse world, promoting care, consideration and courtesy.
•Develop good moral citizens with values firmly rooted in the Christian faith.
•Develop resilience and a strong growth mindset.
•Develop independent pupils who take responsibility for their learning.
•Develop healthy bodies and minds.
•Embrace and celebrate difference.
•Provide the very best learning experiences enabling all pupils to make the best possible progress.
•Develop pupils who believe in their own potential.
As part of Year 6's topic, the children became scientists and dissected a pig's heart. It was a chance to put theory into practice!
Below are some photographs from Y3 science lessons including investigating teeth shape and modelling the digestive system making 'poo'!
Year 1 have been busy making cars in science as part of their topic...
Children in Year 2 have got creative designing and building sculptures out of vegetables.
Atlas work across the key stages this half-term in Geography.
In Key Stage Two we offer children the opportunity to learn French.
Autumn 1st Half - Term Topic Overviews
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Autumn 2nd Half-Term Topic Overviews
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Long Term Plans 2024-2025
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Subject Statements
Below you will find the 'statements of intent' for each subject with a summary of how this will be implemented.
Below you will find the long term plan for this academic year as well as an overview of what classes will be learning in each topic.
Please note that our curriculum is currently being reviewed and revised (Autumn Term 2022). If you have any questions regarding the school's curriculum please contact the school office.
In accordance with Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014, our curriculum is designed to be accessible for children with special educational needs or disabilities. For further details please contact the school SENCO.